My Sith Warrior is lightside but it wasn't based on alignment but rather to show others that you can fight for the Empire the "right way". I have two agents - one makes decisions based on what is best for the Empire and the other makes decisions based on personal power. My smuggler will kill but only to prevent being stabbed in the back later on but maybe yours kills for revenge. Decide if your BH kills for fun or refuses to kill unless paid. A smuggler or bounty hunter could be all about the money. Instead I come up with a basic motivation. I've tried the alignment choices and you get a vanilla lightside counselor or a Dark Jedi that's not fallen because they still need to follow the BW storyline. Rather than alignment, I prefer a raison d'etre. Stay loyal to the Empire? Play for yourself, build your own powerbase? Try to soften things up in the Empire? Attitude towards Sith? Or aliens? I definitely have to try this class again attitude: the story is so varied that it is hard to decide. slim male or female should fit the James Bond stereotype Neutral with dark tendency was my gameplay, but it didn't fit well imo Thug type, the one that you wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley male, body type 3, heavy armor, big gun. Killing the ones that cross him, but not for fun. In time becoming a bit bitter but softer. Low levels -ruthless and blood-thirsty -want s to prove his bad reputation. Played dark side female, but wasn't too much fun. attitude: kind of old wizard outlook, but mercilessly destroying his enemies as enemies of the order or republic. Male, body type 3 or 4 -looks have to be deceiving, so jedi robes Sort of evil Gandalf -seemingly noble Jedi, in reality plays for himself I played it dark side, sort of behind the scenes manipulator. The epitome of Jediness, has to be good, modest and noble The story has epic moments and is designed that way. Fancy clothes, don't take anything too seriously etc neutral is most realistic, now I'm playing it dark side, but I'm on Coruscant yet, so don't know. attitude: my Havoc squad resembled Arnold's team from Predator -no uniforms, all intimidating punks/cowboys bad guys outlook female, body type 3 -FemShep voice! And commando has to be tough and strong dark side, playing as not exactly evil, but war experienced and ruthless.
What alignment, gender, body type and attitude is most enjoyable for each class? I'm currently playing my second smuggler, and find female character more fitting, so this got me thinking.
I know this has been discussed in the past, but with lots of new players, new outfits (it matters to me) I wish to know what you think of this.